Cooperation Agreement between China and France
  PublishDate:2007-12-11  Hits:2909

The signing ceremony


Speech by Mr. Michel CLEMENT

9th Dec. 2007, the Signing Ceremony of Cooperation Agreement was held in UNESCO World Heritage Institute of Training and Research-Asia and Pacific (Shanghai) (UNESCO WHITR-AP, Shanghai). Mr. Michel CLEMENT, Director of the Department for Architecture and Heritage of French Ministry of Culture and Communication, Ms. Anne Marie Le Guevel, Director General of French Architecture and Heritage City, Mr. LI Yongsheng, Vice President of Tongji University and Mr. Wu Zhiqiang, Interim Director of UNESCO WHITR-AP (Shanghai) presenting, the above institute and organizations signed the cooperation agreement for joint efforts in cultural heritage conservation. The agreement is valid for three years since 9th Dec. 2007. This convention was signed on the basis of extensive cooperation among CAUP of Tongji University, French Ministry of Cultural and Communication, French Architecture and Heritage City as well as the Chaillot Centre of Advanced Studies in the terms of research studies, experiments, trainings and activities. The agreement will lay a solid foundation on further collaborative development concerning Cultural Heritage Conservation and cultural diversity between China and France.

Following that, a seminar was held between two parties. Prof. RUAN Yisan of Tongji University gave a brief introduction to the latest research program of 'the Grand Canal'. Mr. ZHOU Jian, Director of UNESCO WHITR-AP (Shanghai), proposed several suggestions on the potential research and training programs. Mr. Michel CLIMENT, together with Ms. Anne Marie Le Guevel, expressed their support and interest in the research of 'the Grand Canal' and would continually strengthen the collaboration between two Countries with regard to cultural heritage, humanity science and communications. Ms. Sabrina Grassifossier, principal of cultural cooperation department of French Consulate General, portrayed the future collaboration program in Shanghai and expressed willingness to contribute on further cooperation. The two parts have reached consensus on the significance and prospects of cooperation in cultural heritage conservation, leading to a successful completion of this signing ceremony.

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