Assistant Director-General for Administration of UNESCO visited WHITR-AP (Shanghai)
  PublishDate:2008-06-12  Hits:4201

left:Mr.Li YongSheng, Vice President of Tongji University Right:Mr.KHENE, Assistant Director-General for Administration of UNESCO

speech hosted by Mr.Li Zhengyu


During the meeting

From 29th to 30th May, 2008, Mr. Amine KHENE, Assistant Director-General for Administration of UNESCO visited to WHITR-AP (Shanghai). Mr. Li Yongsheng, Vice President of Tongji University,Prof. Wu Zhiqiang, Director of WHITR-AP (Shanghai) and Dean of CAUP, Tongji University met him in Wen Yuan Building, Tongji University on 29th May. Mr. KHENE highly appraised the achievements made by WHITR-AP and international cooperation developed by Tongji University, especially the great contribution and close collaboration to the Africa regions. Mr. Li Zhengyu, Vice Dean of CAUP, Tongji University chaired Mr. KHENE's speech on the Cooperation between UNESCO and China concerning the UNESCO's Programmers and Activities. Mr. KHENE expressed profound condolences and sympathies to the victims died in the disastrous earthquake in Si Chuan Province. The faculties of Tongji University had a better understanding of UNESCO and gave a big round of applause after his excellent speech. Mr. KHENE's visit also strengthens the further cooperation among WHITR-AP, Tongji University and UNESCO.
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