"Exhibition Tour of World Heritage Sites" to be opened in Jing'an District Culture Center
  PublishDate:2008-06-12  Hits:2176
The ""Exhibition Tour of World Heritage Sites in China"" will be opened in the Jing'an District Culture Center from noon to four in the afternoon on June 14th, 2008. This exhibition will last half a year, and is jointly coordinated by WHITR-AP (Shanghai), the Shanghai Relics Committee, the Shanghai Municipal Government, and Tongji University.
Since 1985 China has been a member of UNESCO's Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. In fulfilling these international responsibilities towards preserving and managing these cultural and natural heritages, China had 35 World Heritage sites inscribed on the World Heritage List by May 2008, ranking 3rd worldwide. The Chinese government mandated that every Saturday of second week of June would be celebrated as a Chinese Cultural Heritage Day from 2006. This day was dedicated to promoting and protecting of World Heritage sites in China. In addition the Chinese government had been working closely and extensively with UNESCO in the fields of culture, education, and science. It was in the spirit of this cooperation that China proposed the creation of WHITR-AP during the 28th session of UNESCO's World Heritage Committee in 2004, to facilitate a greater contribution to the conservation of World Heritages in the Asian-Pacific Region. In November 2007, after much effort and preparation, WHITR-AP was made as a Category II center under the auspices of UNESCO. Upon the foundations of international expertise was erected a network of professional resources, for the benefit of practical training, effective research, and facilitated communication in the Asia-Pacific region.
The 3rd Annual World Heritage Day celebrations happen to coincide with this year's Exhibition Tour, which will be held at the Shanghai Children's Palace and culture centers. This Exhibition Tour plays an integral role in the World Heritage Day and will last for two weeks at each location. To further strengthen and publicize the preservation of World Heritage sites, the involvement of the young is essential. Thus one major goal of the Tour is to promote interest amongst the youth so that they may become involved in relevant activities. Through appealing images and informative texts, the Tour hopes to educate the young on how to protect the 35 World Heritage sites in China. It aspires to spark an interest in how diverse and ancient the history of China is, so that they may appreciate the priceless legacy of their country.
It is also the wish of the Tour that this exhibition will raise awareness not only amongst the young, but also amongst the rest of the masses regarding World Heritage protection in China, and thus enlarge the scope of society's involvement in present and future activities.
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