2008 Exhibition Tour of World Heritage Sites in China Commences
  PublishDate:2008-06-17  Hits:2332


After three months of preparation, the "2008 Exhibition Tour of World Heritage Sites in China" opened in Jing'an District Culture Center at two o'clock in the afternoon of June 14th. The Exhibition Tour was coordinated by the collective efforts of WHITR-AP (Shanghai), the Shanghai Relics Committee, the Shanghai Municipal Government and Tongji University. Present at the opening ceremony were: Prof. Shao Yong, from WHITR-AP (Shanghai), Mr. Chen Xiejun, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Relics Management Committee, Mr. Tan Yufeng, Division Chief of the Shanghai Relics Management Committee, Mr. Zhang Renyang, Chief Executive of Jing'an District, Mr. Zhu Chenggang, Vice Executive of Jing'an District, as well as other leaders, reporters, and local citizens.

This exhibition focused on the 35 Chinese World Heritage sites inscribed on the World Heritage List. Additionally the exhibition also covered the Chinese World Heritage damaged by powerful Earthquake in Sichuan Province on May 12th. Many visitors took photos of the exhibition panels, and left their signatures as a symbol of their dedication towards the preservation of World Heritages.

This is the first time WHITR-AP has organized such an activity, and it has been met with great approval from the public. From this exhibition visitors have been able to gain a deeper understanding of World Heritages and the importance of their protection.

The next station of the ""2008 Exhibition Tour of World Heritage Sites in China"" is the second floor of the Jing'an District Culture Center (459 North Urumqi Road) from June 14th to June 27th. The Exhibition will be open to the public from ten in the morning to four in the afternoon. Welcome to enjoy this exhibition.
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