2009 International Youth Summer Camp on Astronomy and World Heritage Welcome You!
  PublishDate:2009-03-16  Hits:3068
The United Nations 62nd General Assembly proclaimed 2009 the International Year of Astronomy on 20 December 2007, and UNESCO was designated as the lead agency and focal point for the Year. As UNESCO category 2 Institute, Suzhou Center of World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region (WHITR-AP) will hold 2009 International Youth Summer Camp on Astronomy and World Heritage in Suzhou, a perfect place in world-wide to observe total solar eclipse during July 17th to July26,2009.

The Summer Camp is open to all nationalities and young students between 16 years and 20 years old who interested in Astronomy and World Heritage. The objective of the Astronomy and World Heritage thematic camp is to teach youth some knowledge about Astronomy and World Heritage and give them a methodological framework for associated actions, to offer youth a precious opportunity to observe total solar eclipse with more than 5 minutes, to offer youth sharing different culture within a warm 80-person- family, to be a World Heritage Defender (Patrimonito) after 10-day’s World Heritage education.

Youth will study World Heritage and astronomy-related knowledge; learn World Heritage in Young Hand, which compiled by the UNESCO; observe five- minute- total solar eclipse; visit World Heritage the classical gardens of Suzhou; discuss hot topics such as World Heritage and Peace, World Heritage and Environment, World Heritage and Tourism; simulate declaration Ancient Chinese Astronomy sites as World Heritage on China Youth Astronomy Science Forum. The declaration will be shown on International Conference on Dynamic Solar Corona and its Impact on Space Weather and be submitted to World Heritage Center (WHC) of UNESCO. Mr. FANG Cheng, vice chairman of International Astronomical Union (IAU) is engaged as a technical advisor.

The qualified youth will get Patrimonito Certificate from the Chinese National Federation of UNESCO; excellent youth will also get the title of 2009 total solar eclipse volunteers from International Astronomical Union, the Chinese Astronomical Society, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Suzhou Municipal Government.


Please click here to download  Registration Form and detailed  Programme.

Appendix:  Announcement

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