Fist Rehearsal Of The “Urban Ring—Campus Campaign On Cultural Heritage Protection” Held In WHITRAP Shanghai
  PublishDate:2011-05-17  Hits:2717



On the early afternoon,May 6th, the first rehearsal of the “Urban Ring—Campus Campaign On Cultural Heritage Protection” was held in WHITR AP Shanghai.During the rehearsal, volunteers from four groups, did presentations one by one based on the teaching plans they have prepared.

Their presentations consisted of two main parts: World Heritage in China and cultural heritage in Shanghai. Volunteers designed their PPTs in a fresh and lovely style to make it attrative to primary school students and attemped to create an active atmosphere through explainations in plain words and entertaining games. The rest of the volunteers in the room played the role of primary school students and they were encouraged to ask questions by putting up their hands if there was somethingthey didn’t understand.

During the discussion after the rehearsal, teachers offered some tips on the way of expressing themselves as well as thestyle and content of thecurriculums,They also proposed a lot of useful suggestions on the flaws in the curriculum design, for example, to lay emphasis on the interaction and amusement of the class.

Through this rehearsal, volunteers have a general idea about this campus campaign, and the room they could make progress.It is planned to invite primary school teachers and some pupils to attend the second and the third rehearsals in order to enhance the quality of the classes and make the pupils fully aware of the significance of the protection of the cultural heritage and get themselves involved in this meaningful course.
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