UNESCO WHC Meeting 1: The 35th World Heritage Committee Meeting Opened in Paris
  PublishDate:2011-06-24  Hits:3419
In the morning of June 20, 2011, the 35th Session of the World Heritage Committee Meeting was opened in UNESCO’s Headquarter in Paris France. Ms. BOKOWA, Director-General of UNESCO, was present and made address in the opening ceremony. 21 Committee Members and over 180 State Parties, Advisory Bodies and relevant NGOs participated. The about 21 members of Chinese Delegation was composed of Chinese National Commission of UNESCO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Construction and State Administration of Cultural Heritage etc. Representatives from WHITRAP Shanghai attended the meeting as individual observers. During the 10-day session, the Committee will examine the state of conservation of the properties, determine the new inscriptions on the World Heritage List and the List of World Heritage in Danger, including the Chinese two nominations natural heritage “Wudalianchi“ and Cultural Heritage “West Lake”. It will also discuss a series of themes related to world heritage and 40th anniversary activities of World Heritage Convention etc.

First of all, the Committee evaluated the working report presented by World Heritage Center and Advisory Bodies. Then it discussed several sub-themes, such as World Heritage Convention and Sustainable Development, Progress report on the World Heritage related Category 2 Centers, World Heritage Tourism Program, Evaluation of the Reinforced Monitoring Mechanism etc. In the progress report, the general development and working plan were introduced by six Category 2 Centers (including WHITRAP). The Committee was satisfied with the progress and emphasized that Category 2 Centers should play an more important role in Capacity Building and International Cooperation. Meanwhile, the Committee suggested that World Heritage Center and State Parties give more financial support to Category 2 Centers.



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