2016 Historic Heritage Preservation Conference South China (Macao) was held in Macao
  PublishDate:2016-12-09  Hits:3047

The 2016 Historic Heritage Preservation Conference SouthChina (Macao) was successfully held at the HEXIAN conference center of CityUniversity of Macau on 9th December, which was composed of opening ceremony, UNESCOlectures series and workshop etc. The meeting invited some cultural heritageconservation experts to give lectures on topics regarding the Law on theProtection of Historical Urban Landscapes and the Desire and Reality ofConservation of Folk Historical Heritage.


Ms Lu wei, , Executive Deputy Director of Whitrap attended the conference and gave an opening address.She introduced the aim of Whitrap is to promote the heritage preservation, management and sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region and the efforts we made for the South China region cultural heritage protection since 2014 when our center joined this forum. Mr. Song ZHANG, Professor and Phd. Supervisor of the Urban Planning Department of Tongji University&consultant of Whitrap was invited and presented on the topics “Rethinking the Approach to Urban Conservation based on the Recommendations from Historic Urban Landscapes”.


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