2017 International Academic Forum Built Heritage: A Cultural Motivator for Urban and Rural Development Announcement and Call for Papers
From:Tongji University   PublishDate:2016-12-08  Hits:3867


Built Heritage in the international context includes architectural,urban and landscape heritage in urban and rural environments, containing avariety of historical and cultural information. Under the huge influence ofglobalization and informational networks, the demands for social and economicsustainability pose the challenges of how to deal with the production of builtheritage in its historical environment, and how to understand the conservationof built heritage in relationship with future urban and rural development.


In order to face these new challenges, and due to growing attention fromacademia and society, there is a need for new discussion forums around thepreservation and regeneration of built heritage. Therefore, the ArchitecturalSociety of China and Tongji University will host the International AcademicForum, Built Heritage: A Cultural Impulsefor Urban and Rural Development between 4th and 10th, April 2017. Duringthis event, the organization will have the opportunity to celebrate theinauguration of The Academic Committee of Urban and Rural Built Heritage of theArchitectural Society of China, and the presentation of the Built Heritage Journal.

1. Theme and Topics

    1.1. Theme - Built Heritage: A Cultural Motivator for Urban and Rural Development;

    1.2. Topics

            Heritage Preservation: Contemporary discussions about authenticity are influencing the ways preservation should             be approached depending of different cultural contexts. Taking into consideration the referential character of the                             Venice Charter, papers on this topic should address issues ranging from advancements in preservation theory to                             the development of new preservation methods and techniques.


            Heritage Regeneration: Globalization is having a lasting influence in the built environment, challenging the ideas of                    heritage production and heritage conservation which are implicit in regeneration processes, due to increasing             pressures coming from the fields of tourism, real estate markets and the new creative economy. Papers on these                           topics should point to recent advancements in heritage conservation theory and practice, as well as methods of                              heritage conservation management.


            Heritage and Society: Critical heritage studies have recently pointed to the complex relationships between the                            definition of Authorized Heritage Discourses and the growing significance that bottom-up approaches to heritage             are achieving in contemporary societies. Especially in the age of informational and social networks, traditional                               methods of identification, value assessment and conservation planning are being challenged by the                         acknowledgement of the rights of civil society to participate in the construction of heritage. Papers on this topic                         should address issues such as inclusive development in heritage conservation, citizen participation and the new                         economy of heritage in the 21st century.


2. Sponsors

     Architectural Society of China, Tongji University

3. Organizer

    College of Architecture and Urban Planning Tongji University 

4. Forum Dates

     7 - 10 April 2017


 7 April 2017
Afternoon Non-local participants check -in
 8 April 2017
Morning  Local participants check-in
     Opening ceremony and keynote lecture
 Academic sessions
 Academic sessions
 9 April 2017
Afternoon  Academic sessions
     Closing ceremony
 10 April 2017
All day
 Site visit


5. Location

     College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai


6. Registration

    Participants in the Academic Forum need to submit the inscription form (see below) to the     Organizing Committee. The attendance fee to the Academic Forum is 1000 RMB.     Post-graduates will benefit of a 40% discount in the register fees.

7. Guidelines for participants and submissions

    7.1. The deadline for paper abstract submission is 25 December 2016*. Abstracts should have            300 to 400 words and they should include 3 to 8 keywords.

    7.2 The acceptance of abstracts will be confirmed before 10 January 2017**. The application            form and paper template will be sent to participants after acceptance.

    7.3 The deadline for paper submission is 20 March 2017. The participants will be requested to            send their papers in Word and PDF format in accordance with the template to facilitate the            edition of the Academic Forum Proceedings.

    7.4 The official languages for paper submission and presentation are Chinese and English. The             organization will provide simultaneous translation service to the participants of the Forum.

    7.5 The organization will edit and publish the Academic Forum Proceedings. Selected                       contributions to the Conference will undergo peer review for publication in the journals            Architecture Heritage (CN10-1071/TU) and Built Heritage (ISSN 2096-3041).

    * The deadline for paper abstract submission has been extended to 8 January 2017.

    ** For abstract submitted before 25 December 2016, the acceptance will be confirmed before 10 January     2017. As for abstract     submitted after 25 December 2016, the acceptance will be confirmed before 15     January 2017

8. Scientif Committee

    Honorary co-directors: Zheng Shiling, Ruan Yisan

    Co-directors: Chang Qing, Benjamin Mouton

    Reviewers: Dai Shibing, Plácido González Martínez, Han Feng, Lu Yongyi, Shao Yong, Zhang                     Song, Zhou Jian


9. Contact us
    9.1 Conference organization

          Liu Yuting: 021-65982383; Huang Feiran : +86 021-65982193

   9.2 Paper Submission

         Zhu Yiyuan: 021-65982383; Huang Feiran: +86 021-65982193

   9.3 Email: cxjcyc@163.com





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