IPHS Announcement of Awards
  PublishDate:2017-08-23  Hits:3540


IPHS Announcement of Awards

The International Planning History Society - IPHS is delighted to announce the next round ofprizes to be awarded at the 2018 IPHS conference in Yokohama - Japan. Specifics of the application are noted below. Please note the different deadlines for the awards.

The IPHS endeavours to foster the study of planning history worldwide. It seeks to advance scholarship in the fields of urbanism, history, planning and the environment, focusing particularly on cities from the late nineteenth century.

East Asia Planning History Prize

Call for nominations -IPHS EAPH Prize 2018

The IPHS invites applications for the East Asia Planning History Prize. Application documents have to be submitted between October 1st and December 31st2017.

The aim of this Prizeis to encourage young scholars of East Asia to engage in planning history andto publish their work in English. It is also meant to expand IPHS membership in East Asia.

The Prize is awarded for outstanding research in the planning history of East Asia (China, HongKong, Japan, the two Koreas, Macau, Mongolia and Taiwan) published in Englishin the form of a single-authored refereed article in an academic journal (notin the conference proceedings), in the previous two calendar years before an IPHS Conference (from January 2016 to December 2017 online or in print whichever comes first), by a native, citizen, and resident of a nation in East Asia under 45 years old as of the deadline date. The Prize winner shall be an IPHS member at the time of awarding the Prize and should attend the 2018 IPHS Conference (to be held at Yokohama, Japan), in order to receive the Prize andto present his/her work at the Conference. The Prize includes a cash award of250 GBP.

The Official Announcement and Application Form are available from: https://planninghistory.org/awards/east-asia-planning-history-prize/

Further information about the Prize may be obtained from the Prize Committee Chair, Prof. Shun-ichi J. Watanabe (shun.watanabe@nifty.com .



Call for nominations -2018 IPHS book prizes

At the 2018 IPHS conference in Yokohama, up to three book prizes will be awarded:

The first prize is for themost innovative book in planning history written in English and based onoriginal new research. Books must have been published in the previous two calendar years (2016-2017). Books may be written individually or joint-authored.

The second prize is for the best book (in English) related to planning history of the country/region where the IPHS-2018 conference is held, in this case defined as East Asia, and published inthe previous two calendar years (2016-2017). Books may be written individually or joint-authored.

The third prize is forthe best planning history edited work or anthology (in English)and again published in the previous two calendar years (2016-2017). Reprintsand “readers” are ineligible. The prize will go to the editor(s).

The prize for each award is $250US. The prizes will be announced and awarded at the 18th IPHS conference in Yokohama in July 2018 (http://iphs2018.org/). Winners will be informed as early as practicable in 2018 to facilitate participation at the conference.

Nominations are invited from scholars and publishers. Nominations will comprise a 400 word statement, a short CV of the author(s)/editor(s) (these materials should also be sent electronically), and 5 copies of the nominated book (non-returnable). The deadline for receipt of submissions for the next prize is 15 December 2017.

Chair of the 2018 Book Committeeis Dr. Heleni Porfyriou, National Research Council of Italy-ICVBC and membersprof. Filippo De Pieri, prof. Mia Fuller, prof. Cristina Leme, prof. André Sorensen.Nomination packages should be sent to the following addresses:


Heleni Porfyriou,


Area della Ricerca di Roma 1

Via Salaria km 29, 300 C.P. 10

00015 Monterotondo Scalo - Roma-Italy

tel: 0039-06-90672202;

(heleni.porfyriou@cnr.it )


Mia Fuller

Associate Professor and Head Graduate Advisor,

Department of Italian Studies

6303 Dwinelle Hall

University of California

Berkeley, CA 94720-2620


(Tel + 1 510 642 2704)


Cristina Leme

(School of Architecture and Urbanism University of São Paulo, Brasil)

Rua Caraca 218 São Paulo, Brasil 05447-130


Filippo De Pieri

Associate Professor

Politecnico di Torino

Department of Architecture and Design

Viale Mattioli 39

10125 Torino



André Sorensen

(Chair, Department of Human Geography, University of Toronto Scarborough, Ontario)

283 Wright Avenue

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

M6R 1L8



Anthony Sutcliffe Dissertation Award

IPHS has created an award in honour of Anthony Sutcliffe (founding member of IPHS and Planning Perspectives). The award recognizes the best dissertation in the field of planning history written in English and completed during the two years preceding the conference. There is no restriction on topic, but submissions that most directly and innovatively address the internationalism of the modern planning movement in line with much of Sutcliffe’s work are especially welcome.

The prize was awarded first time at the July 2014 conference of the IPHS  in St. Augustine, Florida, USA. The prize was awarded to Ammon, Francesca Russello (2012) Culture of Clearance:Waging War on the Landscape in Post-war America. Yale University.

The second time it was called the prize at the July 2016 Conference of the IPHS in Delft, Netherlands. The prize was awarded to Gonick, Sophie (2015) At the Margins of Europe: Homeownership, Inclusion, and Protest in Contemporary Madrid. University of California, Berkeley.

Doctoral dissertations completed during 2016 and 2017 are eligible. Self-nominations or nominationsfrom dissertation advisors (on behalf of their students) are welcomed. The award winner will receive free conference registration for the 18 IPHS Conference in Yokoama and a $ 300 prize. All submissions must include the dissertation in single file PDF format, a brief biography of the student with full contact details, identification of the main academic advisor(s) also with contact details, and a letter of affirmation by the dissertation advisor (orsome other official university documentation) that the dissertation was completed and successfully passed/defended in the eligibility period.

Submisions deadline is February 28, 2018. Please submit your nomination to:  jlsainzg@ana.uva.es


Anthony Sutcliffe DissertationAward Committee.

The Committee is made up of:

Mr. José Luis SáinzGuerra, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain (Chair).

Ms. Nancy H. Kwak, UCSan Diego, USA,

Mr. Karl Friedhelm Fischer, University of New South Wales, Australia.



The Koos Bosma Award

The Koos Bosma Award will be offered to recognize theauthors of books (monographs or edited volumes), major articles or other academic contributions (including innovation in the digital field) developed by single authors or groups, that question accepted views and break away from the standard histories, expanding and modifying planning history enhancing itscritical potential. We welcome submissions of outstanding innovative research in the field of planning history, published or developed in the two calendar years preceding an IPHS Conference. The work may be published or presented in English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, or Japanese. Every effort will be made to include publications in otherlanguages, although there may be practical limits based on the abilities of the IPHS Council Members. All potential applicants should contact the committee immediately if they would like to submit in a language not listed above.

The winner shall be a member of IPHS at the time of awarding the prize and should attend the bi-annual conference (Delft in 2016) in order to receive the prize and to present his/herwork. There is a cash prize of 250 Euro (and a waiver of the registration fee).

Applications are invited from scholars for publications that appeared between January 2016 and December 2017:
All submissions must be combined into a single file PDF format, including the submission (or a link to it), the application form and a brief biography of the author with full contact details.
The period for receipt of submissions is only from 1 January to 28 February 2018.

Applications or nomination should be sent electronically to c.m.hein@tudelft.nl with heading: Submission for the Koos Bosma Award.

The Committee membersare:

Professor Cor Wagenaar, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Professor Carola Hein, TU Delft The Netherlands

Professor Bogdan Tscherkes, TU L’viv, Ucraine

Professor Nancy Kwak, UC San Diego, USA

Professor Izumi Kuroishi, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan


 Sir Peter Hall Awardfor Lifetime Achievement in Planning History


Description: The Peter Hall Award isthe most prestigious prize awarded by the IPHS. It recognizes sustained excellence for a body of published work which has made an outstanding contribution tointernational scholarship and conveyed the relevance of planning history to contemporary planning challenges.


Criteria: The principal criteria for the award are:


1. A quantum of published writings (books, bookchapters, journal articles, conference papers, reports, other writings) forminga distinctive and coherent contribution to planning history.

2. Evidence for a sustained engagement with scholarship of the or etical and/or empirical excellence.

3. Evidence of wider impact of research contributions on planning practice and/or policy.

4. Evidence of international impact.


Timing: To be awarded biennially at the IPHS Conference, initially at Yokohama 2018.


Award: A certificate, inscribed medallion, and complimentary registration to the conference at which the prize is to be awarded.


Process: Nominations following a template to be adjudged by a special committee of the IPHS Council.


Caveats: The Society reserves the right to not make an award. The award is to a living individual but in exceptional circumstances maybe made jointly or posthumously. The award is not necessarily confined to an IPHS member. A joint award may be given.


The nomination process


Via Nomination Form

1. Full name, present position and contact details of the nominee must be provided.

2. A nomination must be made with the consent of the nominee.

3. Nominators (proposer and seconders) must be financial members of the IPHS. 

4. Information required: a citation of up to 700words in support of the nominee, a bibliography of selected major works, a CV,and any additional documentation which elaborates the claims in the citation.

5. Deadline 15th December 2017

6. Nominations to be submitted electronically to: r.freestone@unsw.edu.au


2018 Award Committee

A five person committee chaired by a member of the IPHS Council, including the current President and Vice-President, and appointed by the President:

Robert Freestone (Chair); John Pendlebury; Rosemary Wakeman; Christine Garnaut (Vice President); and Dirk Schubert (President)


Members of the IPHS Council may be contacted confidentially about nominations.



BestPostgraduate Planning History Paper Prize

IPHS awards the best Postgraduate Planning History Paper presented at an IPHS Conference. Papers must be solely authored by the postgraduate student and entrants must register and attend the conference. Students enrolled in a master’s by courseworkor research or in a doctorate are eligible for the award.

"Best Postgraduate PlanningHistory Paper" Prize Committee.

Prof. Dirk Schubert

Prof. Nuran Zeren Gulersoy

Prof. Renato Leao Rego



Planning Perspectives Prize 2018


Awarded to the best planning history article published in the journal

Planning Perspectives in the two years before the 2018 IPHS conference. The prize is sponsored by Taylor &Francis, the journal’s publisher.


Members of the Committee: IPHS Council members and former editors of Planning Perspectives.


Editors: Margaret and John Gold





For more information see: https://planninghistory.org/awards/

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