WHITRAP participated in the 2019 National Committee Coordination Symposium
Author:Wang Tianxiang  PublishDate:2020-01-09  Hits:2906

On December 30th, 2019, UNESCO China National Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "commissions") coordination symposium was held in the second guest hotel of the State Council in Beijing. Li Xin, Deputy Secretary-general of WHITRAP Secretariat, Jiang Yeqin, Director of WHITRAP (Suzhou) office, and Wang Tianxiang, Project assistant of WHITRAP Secretariat, attended the meeting.


Li Xin, Deputy Secretary-general of WHITRAP Secretariat, made a speech

The meeting was chaired by Zhou Jiagui, Deputy Secretary-general of the committee, who reviewed the work of the committee in 2019. Representatives from UNESCO Category 2 Centres, Creative City Network Cities, ASPnet schools, Learning Cities and enterprises presented their activities in 2019.

The Symposium

Li Xin, Deputy Secretary-general of WHITRAP Secretariat, made a speech on behalf of WHITRAP. He summarized the major achievements in 2019 and emphasized the continuous exploration of WHITRAP on innovative practices to seek for more breakthroughs. In the end, Li Xin also introduced the progress of a side event during the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee in Fuzhou .

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