WHITRAP 3 Centres Meeting (Fourth Quarter, 2019) in Beijing
Author:Wang Tianxiang  PublishDate:2020-01-09  Hits:3130


Group Photo 

(from Ma Qinglong / Peking University 2019)

On the morning of December 30, the WHITRAP 3 Centres Meeting(Fourth Quarter, 2019) was held at the school of archaeology and museology, Peking University.

Meeting was chaired by Li Xin, Deputy Secretary-general of WHITRAP Secretariat. Lei Xingshan, Director of WHITRAP (Beijing) and Director of School of archaeology and museology, Peking University, Beijing, Sun Hua, Director of WHITRAP (Beijing) Academic Board, Li Jianghai, Deputy Director of WHITRAP (Beijing), Zhang Jianwei, Executive Deputy Director of WHITRAP (Beijing), Lu Wei, Executive Deputy Director of WHITRAP (Shanghai), Jiang Yeqin, Director of WHITRAP (Suzhou) Office, Kuanghan Lee, Director Assistant of WHITRAP (Beijing) and Wang Tianxiang, Project Assistant of WHITRAP Secretariat, attended the meeting.


Secretariat and the three centres reported on the achievements in 2019 

(photo from Wang Tianxiang / WHITRAP Secretariat 2019)

Both Secretariat and the three centres reported on the achievements in 2019 and addressed the work plan for 2020. Since the reorganization of WHITRAP (Beijing) in July, Hao Ping, President of Peking University, offered a strong support on the arrangement of office hardware, software and personnel allocation of Beijing center, in which helped Beijing center operated systematically.

Subsequently, the meeting discussed about 2020 UNESCO’s second round of midterm evaluation on WHITRAP. The three centers all declared that they will fully cooperate with the preliminary work for the evaluation.


Side Event discussion

(photo from Wang Tianxiang / WHITRAP Secretariat 2019)

In the end of the meeting, all the representatives conducted an in-depth communication on the organization of the side event during the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee in Fuzhou. All the representatives agreed that the World Heritage Committee meeting will be an opportunity for WHITRAP, which has been a good platform for great performance in the asia-pacific region and even the world over the years. The three centres will fully support the organization of the side event.

The conclusion of the meeting also marks the end of 2019. WHITRAP will insist its initial aspiration, rose to the challenge and create more possibilities in 2020.

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