Summary | 2022 HeritAP Chat
  PublishDate:2022-05-10  Hits:2026
2022 HeritAP 封面
2022 HeritAP Chat on
Impact of Ground Transportation Infrastructure at World Heritage Sites

On April 28, the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (WHITRAP Shanghai) organized the first Heritage Asia and the Pacific (HeritAP) Chat on "Impact of Ground Transportation Infrastructure at World Heritage Sites". Under the theme, three case studies from China, the Philippines, and Pakistan, were presented. And six experts, from WHC, ICOMOS, WHITRAP Shanghai, the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) of the Philippines, and ICOMOS Pakistan were invited to attend. In total 482 audiences participated online.


Chat Guests

Chat Guests: Feng JING, Gamini WIJESURIYA, Sharif Shams IMOM, Yimeng ZHANG, Michael MANALO, Fauzia QURESHI

Heritage practitioners, senior professionals, and institute representatives across the world, particularly those from the Asia-Pacific region, focused on the impacts of ground transportation infrastructure on the heritage sites and shared feasible measures and solutions for countries in response to this factor and its positive and negative impacts. Gamini WIJESURIYA, Special Advisor of WHITRAP Shanghai and ICCROM, and LI Hong, Programme Specialist of WHITRAP Shanghai were moderators for the HeritAP Chat.

Introduction by LI Hong
Introduction to HeritAP Chat by LI Hong

Three cases, which are the Great Wall (China), Baroque Churches of the Philippines (Philippines), and Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore (Pakistan) respectively, were presented. Based on SOC reports and WH Committee decisions, members of HeritAP provided a brief synthesis of the processes followed and the current situation of these sites and exploring the way ground transportation infrastructure projects have influenced their heritage conservation, and measures taken to address the issues. for consideration and discussion.

Great Wall by NIU Chenshuang
Case of the Great Wall by NIU Chenshuang
Baroque Churches of the Philippines by ZHANG Yiwen
Case of Baroque Churches of the Philippines by ZHANG Yiwen
Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore by ZHANG Weiran
Case of Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore by ZHANG Weiran

Then Gamini WIJESURIYA (Special Advisor of WHITRAP Shanghai and ICCROM), JING Feng (Chief of Asia and the Pacific Unit, WHC), Sharif Shams IMON (President, ICOMOS Bangladesh), ZHANG Yimeng (Associated Researcher, Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage), Michael MANALO (Head, National Committee on Monuments and Sites, National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) of the Philippines), and Frauzia Husain QURESHI (President, ICOMOS Pakistan) deepened substantive discussions on this HeritAP chat’s theme.

The video and a brief summary of 2022 HeritAP Chat are uploaded on the website. For more detailed information, please refer to: http://heritap.whitr-ap.org/index.php?classid=12484&id=219&t=show

Contributed by Gamini WIJESURIYA, LI Hong, and WU Yimeng
Edited by FANG Chenkun
Copyright © 2009-2012 World Heritage Institute of Training and Research-Asia and Pacific (shanghai)