Online Training | IA for World Heritage in the Philippines
  PublishDate:2022-05-27  Hits:2277
NCCA-WHITRAP Shanghai Training on Impact Assessments for World Heritage in the Philippines
May-June, 2022



In 2022, the National Commission for Culture and Arts of the Philippines (NCCA) and the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region, Shanghai Center (WHITRAP Shanghai), jointly organize the online training on Impact Assessments for World Heritage in the Philippines, and it will take place on 26 May 2022, 2 June 2022, 16 June 2022, and 22 June 2022.

The main purpose of the training is to assist the Philippines in better understanding the statutory process established in the World Heritage system and to equip the participants with skills in the design and implementation of Impact Assessments in the context of World Heritage in the Philippines.


Group photos

An opening ceremony was held on 26 May. Prof. Jian ZHOU and Arch. Michael Manalo delivered the opening address. 62 officials from NCCA, 6 World Heritage sites of the Philippines, tourism department, planning department, engineering department, and professionals from universities, participate in the training. It is the first time for the Philippines to gather various parties to the World Heritage training from the national level to the local level. Carolina Castellanos, LI Hong, ZHENG Jun, and Carmela Biag, representing WHITRAP Shanghai, made presentations during the training.

Professor Zhou Jian's opening speech
Professor Zhou Jian's opening speech

Ms. Carolina Castellanos presenting

Ms. Li Hong presenting

participants asking questions
Q&A session

The training is composed of three-day lectures and a workshop. In line with the Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessments in a World Heritage Context, the lectures cover from the understanding of World Heritage to the implementation of impact assessment, including 7 units -
  • The World Heritage Convention and system,
  • Basic concepts of the World Heritage Convention,
  • World Heritage Processes,
  • Conservation and management of World Heritage Properties,
  • Current trends and challenges in the conservation and management of World Heritage properties,
  • Introduction to Impact Assessments in the World Heritage Context, 
  • and Impact Assessment Process.
On the last day, the workshop using the case study of the Baroque Churches will illustrate the different aspects, both conceptual and methodological, related to the WH concepts and processes, particularly in the relation to OUV and new development, and apply the different tools for steps of the IA process.

Contributed by LI Hong and ZHANG Yiwen
Edited by FANG Chenkun
Copyright © 2009-2012 World Heritage Institute of Training and Research-Asia and Pacific (shanghai)